Monday, November 5, 2007


I decided to make good use of the extra sunlight, and walked part of the way home today. It was pretty good exercise, actually, I was slightly puffed by the time I arrived home. I should try and do that more often, to help me get my fitness level up a little bit more. And obviously being fit will help on the dancefloor... ;) That should be incentive enough for me, I think! LOL

I'm thinking of walking home at least once or twice a week during daylight saving, but then thought that would mean I would have to bring my sneakers with me each time. I wouldn't really want to be walking in my heels, not to mention the wearing down of the shoes.... Although I used to work with someone who walked to and from work EVERY DAY. I think she said it took about 45min each way. Now that's dedication for you! I, on the other hand, may just settle for 1-2x a week one-way. During spring/summer. :)

And at one point during my walk home, I was walking behind this man and his little sausage dog. The sausage was so small that it must have still been a pup! So cute! His little legs just scrambling to keep up with his owner. Hehe!

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