Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Rude & Selfish

One thing that still sh#ts me to no end are people on buses who just refuse to MOVE DOWN THE BACK OF THE BUS. I don't know what it is about the back door, but as soon as some people see the back door, they just refuse to take that one step further past it. It's as if there's this bad smell emanating from the back of the bus somewhere that my olfactory senses just aren't picking up.

There was one guy on my bus on the way home today that stood right by the back door and literally stood guard, preventing anyone else from moving down past him. And there were empty seats down the back! Not that anyone up the front would have known that, since there was an idiot just standing there blocking everyone's way.

I just find it so rude and inconsiderate that people do this. The bus could have taken more passengers, if it wasn't for this jerk who was blocking all the other passengers from moving down the back of the bus.

And I'm pretty sure I've mentioned the 'aisle seat' taker, who lets their imaginary friend take the window seat, while there are REAL passengers standing around them. (See Pet Peeves) OMG. The sheer selfishness of people is astounding.

Dance on TV

Do I just lead a really boring life? I just don't seem to have anything happening at the moment that is worthy of an entry.

Dancing with the Stars started last night. It's the second series this year - do they normally have two series each year?? Or is it just that popular now? (Not that I'm complaining...) I reckon Mrs Bert Newton is going to be a serious contender this series. :)

And So You Think You Can Dance also started a few weeks ago. I'm always keen to have dancing on tv; I personally can't dance enough LOL and watching it on tv is the next best thing. :)

Not much else interesting happening in my life, unfortunately. Perhaps I need to go out more....!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Nobel Peace Prize

I was watching Oprah the other day, and she had Dr Muhammad Yunus on her show to talk about the work that he had done, helping millions of people out of poverty in his hometown in Bangladesh. I was amazed and moved by his actions, showing that there are still kind and giving people like him in the world. He didn't start out seeking the Nobel Peace Prize, he just wanted to make a small difference to even just one person for just one day. I am just so inspired by his generosity and humanitarianism. True philanthropy in this ever-greedy world. Congratulations Dr Yunus.