Saturday, February 23, 2008

Another improvement!

I got a few more compliments on my dancing tonight. :) My instructors would be proud. One guy commented that I was really light; another said that I was really easy to dance with; and a fellow female student said that I've really improved since the first time she saw me (which was only a few weeks back).


Friday, February 22, 2008


I can tell he wants to talk to me, but doesn't quite know how to initiate the conversation! He tends to use the end of the day to come over to talk to me. Yesterday was the first time, and I was really impressed with his effort. I have a feeling he'd been looking for a reason all day, LOL, and finally found one at around 5pm. It was a little awkward, but we got there, I think.

And today was even better. Well, it started out rather awkwardly at drinks, and he positioned himself right next to me whenever he could. But drinks isn't my scene, as you know, and we barely talked. But we finally found each other later and we had a pretty good chat then. Awesome way to end the working week, I reckon. :)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Good moments - when there's no silence

There's this new guy in my team at work who intrigues me. He's one of these rare guys that I actually get along with, who I am quite comfortable with when I am around him. And you know how rare this happens.

Now I say 'quite' comfortable because the really ironic thing is that, because we're both very quiet individuals, when we are actually next to each other, we actually don't have much to say to one another! But the few times when we actually have conversed were really good moments. I could really feel that we were on the same wavelength, and that we both have the same very dry sense of humour. LOL I just wish I knew how to have more of these good conversations, and minimise the number of silent moments...!

I think he feels the same way, because I think he does what I try to do - position ourselves close to the other to strike up a conversation that we know we will both enjoy. But he has the same problem as me in that he doesn't quite know how to start (and continue!) the conversation. :-/ Such a shame. I'm hoping that the more time he's in the team, the more I'll find out about him, and the more chances I'll have to actually strike up a conversation with him!

I'm ok when there's a group of us chatting, but usually the others can carry the conversation along. But it would be nice to just talk to him, and get to know him a little better.

I feel like a teenager all over again.

Monday, February 11, 2008

To be or not to be... with child...

Is it wrong for me not to want children of my own? Am I selfish for not wanting rugrats in my life (apart from Angelica and the gang... LOL)?? I can't imagine being a mother. The idea doesn't repulse me, but it doesn't interest me, either. Is that bad? Does it make me less of a woman for not having (or wanting) children?

I'm running out of time to make up my mind. And I don't know if I'll come to a decision in time.

Tick tock tick tock...

Friday, February 8, 2008


My Dad wished me a happy birthday recently. This is a bit of what he wrote:

"The pictures show the girl I still see until now, when your name is mentioned. You were the most beautiful baby in the world, and you are my treasure. Please take good care of yourself Always."

And he attached one photo of me when I was a baby, and a second photo when I was probably about 1 year old.

I thought it was such a beautiful message, which I will treasure always.