Friday, February 15, 2008

Good moments - when there's no silence

There's this new guy in my team at work who intrigues me. He's one of these rare guys that I actually get along with, who I am quite comfortable with when I am around him. And you know how rare this happens.

Now I say 'quite' comfortable because the really ironic thing is that, because we're both very quiet individuals, when we are actually next to each other, we actually don't have much to say to one another! But the few times when we actually have conversed were really good moments. I could really feel that we were on the same wavelength, and that we both have the same very dry sense of humour. LOL I just wish I knew how to have more of these good conversations, and minimise the number of silent moments...!

I think he feels the same way, because I think he does what I try to do - position ourselves close to the other to strike up a conversation that we know we will both enjoy. But he has the same problem as me in that he doesn't quite know how to start (and continue!) the conversation. :-/ Such a shame. I'm hoping that the more time he's in the team, the more I'll find out about him, and the more chances I'll have to actually strike up a conversation with him!

I'm ok when there's a group of us chatting, but usually the others can carry the conversation along. But it would be nice to just talk to him, and get to know him a little better.

I feel like a teenager all over again.

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