Saturday, August 18, 2007

Going fine, but at a personal crossroads

My new job is excellent. The work is much more interesting compared to my old job, and the people (in general) are much much nicer! The hours are fantastic, generally 9 to 5, and the others in my team have told me that the stress levels are really low. No regular deadlines, however there may be the odd day each week where a few things need to get done, but in general, work is pretty laidback.

My dilemma now is - do I really want to leave this to pursue an entirely new career?? A career that is much more stressful, with much longer hours, and one that will take many more years to specialise??

I know people go in to medicine for a myriad of different reasons, one of which is being unhappy and unfulfilled in their current career. But for the most part, this doesn't apply for me. Most of the time I enjoy what I do, and it's only when I start getting down, when I start looking for 'meaning' in my work, is when I start to think about going down a different career path like medicine, where I am almost positive that I will find this.

I think I'm going to continue reading as much as I can about medicine as a career, reading med students' and doctors' blogs, as well as blogs like Hoover's medschoolhell :) and do as much soul-searching as I can over the next few months.

If I do land an interview this year (which I'm highly doubting at the moment, but who knows with this whole process), I'm going to continue with it. I have nothing to lose. :)

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