Sunday, May 6, 2007


B&I went to the beach today and now my arms are sunburnt. And I have a t-shirt mark. Ugh! We walked around in the sun for a few hours before we settled on the beach, and I didn't put on any sunscreen until we actually found our spot on the sand. Tsk tsk. Goes to show you should always slip slop slap whenever you're out and about, not just when you're on the beach. Especially so for someone like me who burns after only 5 minutes in the sun! :-/

(I'm lying on the beach feeling the sun's rays penetrating me. And instead of enjoying the warm, relaxing atmosphere on the beach, I'm there thinking: "oh no, the sun's rays are probably contributing to my getting skin cancer. I can almost feel the cells multiplying... Did I put enough sunscreen on? Maybe I should just go sit in the shade to minimise the effects of the sun's damaging rays... But it's too cold in the shade, I need the sun's warmth...". Not a very good mindset to have when you're trying to enjoy your day at the beach!!)

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